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Board Responsibilities:

The MBA board meets three times annually in October, January, and April. The Board Term begins July 1 and ends June 30 each year. Responsibilities include:


  1. Shall preside at all board, executive, annual general and special meetings of the MBA.

  2. Shall call board meetings.

  3. Shall call executive meetings as required.

  4. Shall oversee staff related issues.

  5. Shall arrange the appointment of project chairpersons.

  6. Shall appoint and serve as an ex officio member of all Standing and Special Committees.

  7. Shall write a president's report for the AGM report.

  8. Shall write a report for Canadian Band Association meetings.

Vice President

  1. Shall attend all board and executive meetings.

  2. Shall perform the duties of the President in the event of the President's absence or inability to act.

  3. Shall chair the Award Committee with two other MBA Board members.

  4. Shall send a letter of recognition to each project chairperson’s administrator on an annual basis.

  5. Shall submit a member profile article when turn comes up in rotation.

Past President

  1. Shall attend all board and executive meetings.

  2. Shall chair the Nominating Committee with two others, at least one of whom is not a Board member.


* Please note that Past President is appointed and not voted in with the rest of the slate


  1. Shall attend all board and executive meetings.

  2. Shall work with the ED on preparing agendas for meetings.

  3. Shall act as recording secretary at all meetings of the MBA.

  4. Shall distribute minutes of MBA board meetings to all board members within two weeks of the meeting.

  5. Shall send correspondence as directed by the Board or President.

  6. Shall oversee the membership for the MBA.


  1. Shall attend all board and executive meetings.

  2. Shall oversee the Executive Director's work as custodian of the funds of the MBA.

  3. Shall review as required, and report back to the board, financial elements and transactions of the MBA.

  4. Shall engage with the ED/bookkeeper and prepare Quarterly Financial reviews for the board.

  5. Shall be one of the designated signatories on the association account.

  6. Shall oversee, with the ED, investments held by the MBA.

  7. Shall work with the ED on Budget Planning.

Communications Director                  

  1. Shall attend all board meetings.

  2. Shall recruit and oversee members for the Communications Committee.

  3. Shall oversee the work of the various communications, including social media, to the membership and general public.

  4. Shall oversee the various marketing and promotions of the MBA as directed.

  5. Shall develop and maintain a marketing and communication yearly plan for the MBA.

  6. Shall oversee the member profiles and assist regions as required with surveys & communications.

  7. Shall work with the ED and Membership Committee in updating the email and Mail Chimp data bases.

Regional Representatives

  1. Shall attend all board meetings.

  2. Shall determine who is directing school and community concert and jazz bands in their region.

  3. Shall establish regular contact with directors in the region.

  4. Shall encourage potential members to join the organization.

  5. Shall update the MBA office with the names of directors in their region.

  6. Shall poll their constituency for opinions on MBA concerns and other matters.

  7. Shall oversee the creation or continuation of a regional project.

  8. Shall write a regional report each spring.

  9. Shall submit a member profile article when turn comes up in rotation.

  10. Upon stepping down from their board position, assist the Nominating Committee in the process of finding suitable candidate(s) for regional representatives in their region.

  11. Shall interview someone from the band community. A rotating schedule is in effect.

Election Process:

The general election will be conducted electronically on the third last weekday of June annually. Each member will receive a confidential email that will include a link to their election ballot. Each member will have one vote. Voting will close at 11:59 pm on election day. Information is collected anonymously and the results will be emailed to the membership as soon as they are available. 



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© 2024 by the Manitoba Band Association, a proudly affiliated member of the Canadian Band Association

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