The Manitoba Band Association festivals are a tradition that dates back to 1976. Over the past 40+ years, this Family of Festivals has grown to include the Concert Band Festival, Jazz Band Festival, Level One Festival in Winnipeg and Brandon, and the Community Band Festival.
Registration for our 2025 Family of Festivals is now open!
Concert Band Festival: February 18 - 21, 2025 – RBC Convention Centre
Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org for more information.
Jazz Band Festival: February 27 - 28, 2025 – Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain
Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org for more information.
Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org for more information.
Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org for more information.
Community Band Festival: June 7 - 8, 2025 - Coronation Park

St. John's Music is the proud supplier of all things percussion at the MBA Family of Festivals! Don't miss out on their Festival Percussion Sale!
For more details,
call 204-783-8899 or email winnipeg@stjohnsmusic.com
2025 Level One Band Festival
This festival is designed to be a first festival experience for young bands, and to reinforce the fundamentals taught by their directors. Bands move through three 20 minute sessions - Performance, Adjudication and Band Basics. Teamwork, independence, behaviour, responsibility, and numerous other transferable skills are developed as a side benefit of participating in festival performances for the ensemble members.
While Class 1A is intended for groups in their first year of instruction, Class 1B is geared more for groups in their second year of instruction. Some second year ensembles opt to perform in the 1A category. Third year bands are encouraged to consider Class 2 of the MBA Concert Band Festival. Use the syllabus to guide your decision as to which Class or festival to enter.
Winnipeg - April 22 - 24, 2025
Winnipeg - April 25, 2025 (for larger ensembles of 75+ students)
Brandon - April 29 - 30, 2025
Winnipeg - My Church Winnipeg, 955 Wilkes Ave
Winnipeg - École Regent Park, 411 Moroz St (for larger ensembles of 75+ students)
Brandon - Western Manitoba Centennial Auditorium & Brandon University
Registration Deadline: January 24, 2025 Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org to be added to our wait list.
Registration Fee: $400.00 for MBA Members; $475.00 for non-MBA Members
Please visit our Membership page for more information on MBA Membership
Registration includes photo package for the ensemble.
No GST or PST is charged.
Please make cheques payable to the Manitoba Band Association.
The date each payment is received is a significant scheduling consideration.
Registration is Non-Refundable after the registration deadline: January 24, 2025.
2025 Resources:
Community Band Festival 2025
Community bands have been a part of Manitoba's heritage for more than a century. The MBA sponsors an annual event in June.
Date: June 7 - 8, 2025 at Coronation Park
Community Bands must be current Manitoba Band Association members to qualify for the free member rate. To become a member, please visit mbband.org
Registration Deadline: May 5, 2025
Registration Fee: Free for MBA Member Community Bands; $80.00 for non-MBA Member Community Bands
Please visit our Membership page for more information on MBA Membership
No GST or PST is charged.
Please make cheques payable to the Manitoba Band Association.
Registration is Non-Refundable after the registration deadline: May 5, 2025.
Ensemble schedules will be prioritized by submission date and scheduling considerations as noted below. Logistical factors will be given high priority in scheduling. We will do our best to accomodate everyone's requests as best as we can.
Performance times will depend on demand, but will begin on the hour approximately between Noon and 6pm each day. Please plan a set of no more than 45-minutes (including talking) to allow transition time after your performance.
2025 Concert Band Festival
MBA Concert Band Festival is both a competitive and non-competitive environment, and is affiliated with MusicFest Canada. Band directors are encouraged to enter the Class that best suits their ensemble’s needs, regardless of grade level. Please use the Festival Syllabus below as a guideline for Class entry.
Dates: February 18 - 21, 2025
Location: RBC Convention Centre, Winnipeg
Registration Deadline: November 15, 2024. Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org to be added to our wait list.
Registration Fee: $400.00 for MBA Members; $475.00 for non-MBA Members
Please visit our Membership page for more information on MBA Membership
Registration includes photo package for the ensemble.
No GST or PST is charged.
Please make cheques payable to the Manitoba Band Association.
The date each payment is received is a significant scheduling consideration.
Registration is Non-Refundable after the registration deadline: Friday, November 15, 2024.
2025 Resources:
2025 Concert Band Adjudicators
Submit your Band Profile online OR Print a PDF of Band Profile to bring to Festival
2025 Jazz Band Festival
MBA Jazz Band Festival is both a competitive and non-competitive environment, and is affiliated with MusicFest Canada. Band directors are encouraged to enter the Class that best fits their ensemble’s needs, regardless of grade level.
Class Difficulty Rating
Beginner (typically grade 8 and lower) 1-2
Junior (typically grade 9 and lower) 2-3
Intermediate (typically grade 10 and lower) 3-4
Senior (typically grade 11/12 and lower) 4-5
Advanced (typically advanced grade 11/12) 5-6
Please use the Jazz Repertoire Resource List as a guideline for Difficulty Rating and Class. The Beginner Class is non-competitive only.
Dates: February 27 - March 1, 2025
Location: Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain
Registration Deadline: November 15, 2024 Registration has now closed. Please contact coordinator@mbband.org to be added to our wait list.
Registration Fee: $400.00 for MBA Members; $475.00 for non-MBA Members
Please visit our Membership page for more information on MBA Membership
Registration includes photo package for the ensemble.
No GST or PST is charged.
Please make cheques payable to the Manitoba Band Association.
The date each payment is received is a significant scheduling consideration.
Registration is Non-Refundable after the registration deadline: Friday, November 15, 2024.
2025 Resources: ​
2025 Jazz Festival Beginner Class Clinicians
Greg Crowe​
Darryl Ferguson
Sean Irvine
Alexis Silver
Allan Suban
Lauren Teterenko
2025 Jazz Festival Adjudicators (Junior Class and up)
Jazz Band Guidelines & Instructions & Beginner Class Guidelines
Submit your Band Profile Online OR Link to print PDF of Band bio to bring to Festival
Submit your Repertoire Selections online by January 19, 2025
Future Festival Dates:
Concert Band Festival:
February 17 - 20, 2026
February 16 - 19, 2027
February 22 - 25, 2028
February 20 - 23, 2029
Jazz Band Festival:
February 25 - 28, 2026
March 3 - 6, 2027
March 1 - 4, 2028
February 28 - March 3, 2029
Festival Questions & Answers
Q. When should I register for the festival?
A. The festival schedule is heavily dependent on registration date. If you have a scheduling request, you should register well before the deadline. If you are requesting a mid-day performance time, your registration should be received in early fall. Typically 70% of the registrations are received by mid November. Groups are also carefully scheduled by size to accommodate the room space available at the venues.
Q. Can I request a specific performance time/day?
A. Yes, though it is more helpful to list the times/days that don’t work for you. Please provide at least a 6 hour window when you can play (additional time is needed if you are requesting 2 groups on the same day). We will make every effort to accommodate requests made before the registration deadline, within reason.
Q. If my performance time is not suitable can I request a change.
A. Yes, the director is asked to email the MBA to review options first. The director then contacts other directors to request a switch. If both directors agree, the director initiating the change must advise the MBA before the deadline for changes. Ensembles of similar size are encouraged to switch first to ensure correct room size and accommodations.
Q. Do I need to provide scores for the adjudicators?
A. Adjudicator scores will be provided for syllabus titles from the Class entered. Concert Band registrants must provide three (3) original scores when performing a list piece from a different Class or a non-syllabus selection. Jazz Band registrants must provide two (2) original scores for each title, as there is no syllabus list. Level One registrants must provide two (2) original scores when performing a list piece from a different Class or a non-syllabus selection. Consult your music dealer early - publisher delivery can be slow.
Q. Why is each group asked to perform a chorale?
A. The intent is for the group to demonstrate phrasing, tone, musicality, slow tempo, and a legato style. The teacher may select one of the three chorales posted at www.mbband.org or their choice of another short chorale. The chorale will be played at the beginning of the performance. A score of the chorale does not need to be provided to the adjudicator.
Q. What time should we arrive at the festival?
A. If you will not be listening to groups prior to your performance, please arrive about 30 minutes before your performance time. Add 20 minutes for every group you wish to hear before you perform.
Q. How will we know how to navigate the festival site?
A. Festival volunteers will meet you in the lobby and guide you through each phase of the festival.
Q. Are students permitted to listen to other bands?
A. Yes! This is an important part of the festival experience for your band as well as other bands, as you help to create an audience. It is recommended that students listen to a maximum of three groups either before or after your performance.
Q. Is the public permitted to attend?
A. Yes, and they may also follow the band to hear the post performance clinic, although space is limited in the clinic rooms. Admission is by donation (recommended $5/adult).
Q. Where does a band store their instrument cases and coats?
A. Each ensemble will be provided a space in the storage area to store coats and instruments during the time of their performance and clinic. While the space will be monitored, students should not leave valuables in this space.
Q. How much time will we have in our warm up room?
A. Each group will have up to 15-20 minutes to line-up and tune before going on stage. There are chairs but no stands.
Q. Are the adjudicator/clinician comments recorded or written?
A. You will receive both written and recorded comments. At the Concert Band Festival, two adjudicators will record their comments, while a third will prepare written comments and then conduct a clinic with your ensemble. At the Jazz Band and Level One Festivals, one adjudicator/clinician will record their comments, while the other will prepare written comments and offer the band a post performance clinic. At the Level One Festival only, a third clinician will conduct the Band Basics session following the clinic.
Q. Where does the post performance clinic take place?
A. The Jazz Band and Level One clinics will take place offstage in a separate clinic room. It is important that when instructed, the band moves quickly and quietly to the clinic room so as to maximize the clinic time. The Band Basics sessions at the Level One Festival follow in the same room. At the Concert Band Festival, the clinics will happen on stage immediately following the performance. Family and friends attending the festival are welcome and encouraged to follow the ensemble to the clinic room to observe the workshop/clinic and the Band Basic sessions.
Q. Will the band receive a photograph?
A. Yes, a picture will be taken of each group following their performance. At the Level One Festival only, this photo will be taken on stage. Each school will receive a complimentary copy. Additional copies are available to the students for purchase.
Q. At the Level One Festival, wouldn’t a photo taken in an off stage location produce a better image?
A. Yes. However, this would add 20 minutes to each group’s stay, require a suitable photo room and would mean that groups would need to store their instruments for another 20 minutes. Adding 20 minutes would pose bussing problems for some and strain the space available for instrument storage. In addition, additional space would need to be available and would need to be rented, which would increase costs.
Q. Do adjudicators/clinicians provide a grade for each performance?
A. Adjudicators at the Concert and Jazz Band Festivals will provide a grade if you’ve registered to receive a grade. If you’ve registered for Comments Only, no grade will be provided. The Level One Festival is not a competitive festival, therefore no marks, grades, trophies or scholarships are awarded. Adjudicators/clinicians are asked to provide helpful, encouraging and constructive comments at all festivals.
Q. When do we depart the festival?
A. At the Concert Band and Jazz Band Festivals, plan to depart about 5 - 10 minutes after your photo. At the Level One Festival, plan to depart about 5 - 10 minutes after the end of your Band Basics session. If you wish to hear a group perform, you will depart 10 minutes later. If you wish to hear two groups perform your departure time will be 30 minutes later.
Have another question? Contact Kim Pelletier, Program and Membership Coordinator, at coordinator@mbband.org, or call the MBA Office at 204-663-1226.